Let’s Go A-Snorkeling!

Snorkeling is such a fun way to see the underwater world. I love to swim steadily and hear my breathing relax and look around to see what I can see. I think just like above the water, below it are so many wonderful creatures and so much beauty we may miss if we don’t really look for it. Snorkeling in the Bahamas was beautiful with the super clear water and sea turtles and colorful fish. When I came upon 2 southern stingrays, I was caught off guard a bit because they’re great at blending into the sand. They will bury themselves to stay hidden then flap their wing-like fins to stir up any prey they may have found hiding in the sand. It’s good to do the “stingray shuffle” when you’re walking around in the water just in case there’s a stingray hanging out on the sandy bottom. This will scare it away, since it would really rather swim away from you than sting you.

Diving down to check something out on the bottom while snorkeling in the Bahamas